Postdoctoral Positions | Rotation Projects

Postdoctoral positions are frequently available. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in molecular biology, bioinformatics, or chemical sciences with a good publication record. The applicant should be interested in trying new methods, innovating, solving problems, applying creative approaches and have a strong work ethic. Projects may develop based on the skills and interests of the candidate. In addition to training in laboratory-based science, the applicant will receive training in grant writing, project management, team-based science, reviewing and the production of scholarly work. Experience working on parasites is not required. Applicants interested in careers in industry, academia (teaching or research), medicine or even science policy/administration are welcome. Applicants who may be able to secure funding to support their training will be given priority.

The lab frequently accepts rotation students. Dr. Winzeler is a member of the BMS and BISB graduate programs but may be able to consider students from other programs within UCSD. Projects will depend on the interest, talents and skills of the student. We have projects that involve genomics, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, drug discovery, host pathogen interactions, basic molecular biology, in vitro evolution, and antimicrobial drug resistance.

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot hire PhD students outside of UCSD. Only graduate students admitted to the BMS or BISB graduate programs, or other applicable program as per above, at UCSD will be considered for a graduate position in the Winzeler lab. No exceptions can be made.

If you are interested in a postdoctoral or graduate position with the Winzeler lab, please email Dr. Winzeler at

Undergraduate Projects

The lab often hires undergraduate research assistants (with all levels of experience) to help with our drug discovery projects. Self-directed, independent-study research projects may be available for experienced and motivated undergraduates. Available positions will be posted on handshake.

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